Wednesday 11 March 2015

"Confessions of a Nail Polish Addict" The numbers & goals

The numbers behind the passion

How many nail polishes do you own?
I get ask that question a lot and truth be told I don´t know the answer because I have never counted them. Well, not until today. I pulled every single nail polish I own and started counting. I say started because I had to start a couple of times over because I kept finding nail polishes everywhere. Double drum roll please...
 215 nail polishes.
Not included in that number are my top and base coats because they are constantly in use and thereof get replaced once empty.

I couldn´t really imagine what that raw number meant, so I did some calculations based on my personal experience. Ok, even writing this sounds dorky, but hey.. I love my nail polish so I want to know all about it!

If an average nail polish has 7ml I can paint my nails about ten times until I use up the entire bottle. Assuming that I paint my nails twice a week (which I do) then it would take me about 23 years to use up every single nail polish bottle I have! 23 years! Basically I could stop buying nail polishes until I am 47 years old and I would still be able to paint my nails! I´ll admit I was a little shocked when I first did the math. Ok, really shocked. 

So for 2015 I want to buy less and use up more. I love the shades I have I just feel that 215

is too much so I will allow myself to purchase 25 nail polishes (which if you remember is half of the amount I purchased last year). Likewise I want to use up the same amount of nail polishes so that at the end of the year my total stays the same. I know this doesn’t exactly help me minimize my collection but it keeps it from growing which to start with sounds great! If it turns out well I am planning on going on a no buy in 2016 and start bringing my total down to 200. Wish me luck, because something tells me I am going to need it!

Here is part 1 and  part 2  of my "Confessions of a Nail Polish Addict" series

How many nail polishes do you own?

Are you also considering doing a nail polish low buy this year?


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